Breast feeding nipples soreness and pain may have many causes. Use the troubleshooting chart as a guideline to find the cause, check, correct, and prevent nipple pain.
The most common causes of breast feeding nipples sore ness is poor positioning or latch-on, and or improper sucking by the baby. Sucking problems are commonly caused by a problem with the position or latch and usually a baby who is latched-on to the breast well will also suck properly.
Breast feeding Nipples Sore ~ Causes and Prevention
Causes | Check, Correct and Prevent Sore Nipples |
Newborn suckling | Check for correct latch Make sure your nipple goes far back into baby's mouth Hold baby close so that nipple isn't pulled |
Poor positioning when breast feeding | Make sure baby has a good mouthful of breast. Hold baby close so that nipple isn't pulled. |
Baby is frantic or overly eager | Respond early to baby's hunger cues. Help your milk to flow by expressing a small amount before baby feeds. |
Baby nursing on the end of nipple | Break suction with your finger and re-latch. Use rooting reflex and wait for baby to open mouth wide. Make sure nipple is being drawn far back into baby's mouth. |
Irritants causing breast feeding nipple soreness | Wash breasts with water only. Apply Lansinoh Lanolin for Breastfeeding Mothers for lubrication if needed. Wear soft and supportive bra. Use less detergent or try different laundry products. |
Baby teething leading to more feeds or chomping on nipple | Nurse before giving solids rather than after. Don't be a teething toy! Sooth baby with other techniques besides nursing. Stop when baby bites and resume nursing when baby is hungry. |
Baby falls asleep and clamps down | Use your finger to break suction when baby falls asleep. Remove baby before he falls asleep. |
Poor positioning | Baby's body must be aligned with his head. Baby's head must be facing and level with breast. |
Thrush | Consult with your doctor for thrush treatment Throw away or boil items that baby puts in mouth. |
Sensitivity to lotion or ointment | Stop use. |
Damp nipples that don't seem to dry | Check for leaking milk. Stop using breast pads that have plastic liners. Change pads frequently. Wear only cotton-blend bras and fabrics. Air dry breast after nursing. |
Unsupple nipple skin | improve diet and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Eliminate or decrease intake of sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes. Stop usage of soap and drying agents on nipples. |
Poor milk let-down | Use massage and relaxation before feeds. Apply moist heat before breastfeeding session. |
Tongue-tie | Consult with pediatrician about having the frenulum clipped. |
Helpful Products 
| Soothies Gel Pads for Breast Feeding Lansinoh Lanolin for Breastfeeding Mothers Ameda Comfort Gel Hydrogel Pads Avent Biodegradable Breast Pads |
Avoid breast feeding nipples being sore by using proper positioning and correcting baby's latch.